Title IV基金的返还(R2T4)政策

第四章资金的返还由财政援助办公室(OFA)管理。 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏(PCC). 本政策适用于退学(正式退学)的学生。 (非正式)或被PCC开除.  因此,学生可以 还欠学校的钱来支付未付的机构费用. 学校可能会 also attempt to collect from the student any Title IV program funds that the school 被要求返回. “第四章资金返还”的计算金额 is required for students affected by this policy are determined according to the following 法规规定的定义和程序.  

The Institution has 45 days from the date the institution determines that the student 撤回以归还其所负责的所有未赚资金. 学校是必须的 以书面形式通知学生是否有欠款. 学校必须 advise the student or parent that they have 14 calendar days from the date the school 发送通知以接受提款后付款. 如果响应不是 received from the student or parent within the permitted time frame or the student declines the funds, the school will return any earned funds that the school is holding 到第四章项目. 提款后的支付必须在120天内完成 学生退学的日期.  

标题IV基金的回归(R2T4)法规并没有规定机构 然而,退款政策. 学生获得的第四章资金的计算有 与学生已发生的机构收费无关.  

Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that he/she will attend 在获得资助的整个期间内就读的学校. 当学生退学时 from all his/her courses, for any reason including medical withdrawals, he/she may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that he/she was originally 预定接收.  

A school is required to determine the earned and unearned Title IV aid a student has earned as of the date the student ceased attendance based on the amount of time the 学生被安排出席.  

If the student withdraws from all his courses prior to completing over 60% of a semester, he/she may be required to repay a portion of the federal financial aid that he/she 该学期收到. 一个按比例的时间表是用来确定联邦的数额 他/她将在提款时获得学生援助资金. 联邦援助 includes Federal Direct Loan (subsidized and unsubsidized), Parent Plus Loan, Graduate PLUS贷款,佩尔助学金,SEOG助学金和任何其他标题四基金.  

The return of funds is based upon the concept that students earn their financial aid 按他们注册的时间比例. 根据这种推理, a student who withdraws in the second week of classes has earned less of his/her financial 比在第七周退学的学生要少. 一旦60%的学期 completed, a student is considered to have earned all of his financial aid and will 不要求退还任何资金.  


The Office of 金融援助 must perform a R2T4 to determine the amount of earned 在每个付款周期中,帮助达到60%点. OFA将使用该部门 教育的比例时间表,以确定学生的R2T4资金的数额 提款时赚了多少钱. 在付款期的60%点之后或 period of enrollment, a student has earned 100% of the Title IV funds he or she was 预定在此期间接受的. 机构仍然必须执行R2T4 以确定学生已获得的资助金额.  


For a student who withdraws after the 60% point-in-time, there are no unearned funds. However, the OFA will still determine whether the student is eligible for a post-withdrawal 支付.  

注:OFA提供了用于确定金额的计算示例 of unearned aid a student would be expected to repay based on the reported last day 休学指学生休学的学期.  


A student's official 撤销日期由下列方式之一决定:

•他/她正式退出的日期与录取和记录(A&R)办公室 在书记官长离任期间.

•学生向A提交退学申请的日期&R如果是A&Rs 休学期已过,该学生成功申请休学.


In the event that a student does not go through the proper withdrawal procedures as defined in the Academic Information section of PCC’s catalog the student's unofficial 撤销日期由下列方式之一决定:  


•学生上课或退房的最后日期 房间,哪个更晚.

The student must inform in a timely fashion, in person or by email if personal appearance 是不可能的,财政援助办公室在gotopcc@pasadena.任何退出 发生在一个学期内.  

OFA决定第四章基金的回报百分比. 机构是必需的 to determine the percentage of Title IV aid “earned” by the student and to return 不劳而获的部分将分配给适当的援助计划.  




A)  The total amount of Title IV aid disbursed (Not aid that could have been disbursed) 指该学生退学的那个学期. 学生的第四章助学金被计算在内 as aid disbursed in the calculation if it has been applied to the student’s account 在学生退课当天或之前.

B)  The total amount of Title IV aid disbursed plus the Title IV aid that could have 已在该学生退学的那一学期发放.



The number of calendar days completed by the student divided by the total number of 学生退课的日历天数. 日历的总数 每学期的一天不包括任何超过五天的计划休息.  


If the calculated percentage exceeds 60%, then the student has “earned” all the Title 入学期间的静脉资助.  



The percentage of title IV aid earned (Step 2) multiplied by the total amount of Title IV aid disbursed or that could have been disbursed for the term in which the student 退出(步骤1-B).  



•      If the aid already disbursed equals the earned aid, no further action is required.

•      If the aid already disbursed is greater than the earned aid, the difference 必须回到适当的第四章援助计划.


•      If the aid already disbursed is less than the earned aid, the OFA will calculate a提款后付款.  


第四章助学金是按日按比例发放的(日历日或日历日) 考勤时间)达到本学期的60%点. 第四章助学金被认为是100%挣来的 在那个时间点之后.  

In accordance with federal regulations, when Title IV financial aid is involved, the “R2T4资金”的计算金额按以下顺序分配:  

Return of the Title IV 援助, based on the type of aid disbursed, in the following order: 

1.       无补贴联邦直接贷款

2.       补贴联邦直接贷款

3.       代表学生收到的联邦直接补助

4.       佩尔助学金

5.       SEOG项目援助

6.       其他第四章援助

Loans must be repaid by the loan borrower (student/parent) as outlined in the terms 借款人的本票.  

The student’s grace period for loan repayments for Federal Unsubsidized and Subsidized 斯塔福德贷款将在退出PCC的当天开始. 学生应该 contact the lender if he/she has question regarding their grace period or repayment 状态.  

学校和学生对联邦归还学位的责任 四、资金政策  

The OFA’s responsibilities in regard to the Return of Title IV funds policy include: 

1.       向每位学生提供本政策所规定的信息;

2.       确定受此政策影响的学生,并完成返回 第四章资金计算;

3.       通知学生标题IV基金返还的计算结果 以及因要求返还资金而欠PCC的任何余额;

4.       退还由于第四章计划而获得的任何未获得的第四章援助 and, if applicable, notifying the borrower’s holder of federal loan funds of the student’s 撤军日期;

5.       通知学生和/或附加借款人是否有资格申请退学 支付(如适用);

The student’s responsibilities in regard to the Return of Title 四、资金政策 include: 

1.       熟悉第四章基金的回归政策和如何提取 从他所有的课程影响资格的第四章援助;

2.       解决因要求退货而欠PCC的任何未偿余额 不劳而获的第四章援助.


In the event a student is eligible for a post-withdrawal 支付 based on the 学生预算、助学金、第四章资金和R2T4计算, a post-withdrawal 支付 must be made only after the following conditions are 见过.  

1.       在大多数情况下,学生和家长都得到了口头通知 在R2T4表格日期起计的一个星期内,由OFA支付提款后的款项 进行计算.

2.       在大多数情况下,学生和家长在合理的时间内口头通知OFA time indicating their acceptance of available post-withdrawal 支付 amounts. The reasonable time refers to allowing sufficient time to school to process a post-withdrawal 在教育部规定的最后期限内支付.

3.       学生有未到期的机构费用,并希望支付 通过申请他/她的提款后付款来抵扣这些费用.

4.       Student/Parents completed all necessary paperwork related to such post-withdrawal 在合理的时间内付款.

5.       OFA必须跟踪通知和授权进行支付 并在ED规定的期限内完成. 学校必须在校内处理第四章的援助 自注册期最后一天起120天.

The post-withdrawal 支付 must be applied to outstanding institutional charges 在直接支付给学生之前.  

The procedures and policies listed above are subject to change without advance notice 


什么是财政援助超额付款? 当学生收到时,就会出现超额付款 超过他/她资格的经济援助. 一般来说,结果就是多付 of changes in enrollment; e.g.全职转为半全职或完全退出 来自所有班级. 当学生的财务信息泄露时,也会出现多付学费的情况 changes or additional information such as academic transcripts are submitted after 一笔赠款或贷款被支付.